New Release

And Then there was golf!
the lost legend

What happened before 1457, the earliest known golf artifact, an edict signed by the King of Scotland to ban golf? Only idle speculation addressed the origin question. To respond seriously to the golfer’s query, Links Legend: The Birth of Golf, time travels. How, why, and who invented and developed a game to produce and incite such passion? An aged Scribe compiled the history of golf’s beginning.

Available Now in Print

Digital Format Coming Soon

Extraordinary Experiences

Most golf historians subscribe to the possibility that a game arose on the Links near St. Andrews that could be recognized as golf. What elements do the St. Andrews Links possess that support the notion that St. Andrews is the birthplace of golf?

Many golfers call The Olde Course at St. Andrew’s Links sacred ground. For centuries religious pilgrims journeyed to the Cathedral. Beginning with the story of how a relic of Andrew the Disciple arrived there centuries after the martyrdom of the Saint. Historians identify the story as a “Creation Myth”. Why does the story of how St. Regis/Regulus transported the bones from Greece to the East Coast of Scotland fit the criteria for a “Creation Myth”?  How does the concept of ‘pilgrimage’ connect with the Cathedral and with The Olde Course?

On Dr. Jason Holmes new novel:

Writing objectively about Jason Holmes is not possible, because he has been a friend of one, then two, then more members of my family, myself included, since the 1960s. But, there is a reason why such friendships endure, and that is the basis for writing this. Not because of an objective viewpoint, but because, knowing the person, who is holding the pen, or pressing the keys, while telling a story, is a privileged perspective, and, in this case, an honor, too. Jason’s biography is, truly, all the recommendation he needs to speak for him.But, having had more than a glimpse of this work in draft form, I would have recommended it then, because it is fiction, in an historical setting, about folks, who work hard and play hard, and, along the way, invent the game of golf, in 15th Century Scotland, near the sea. That should do, quite nicely and it does indeed!